With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, American Bird Conservancy takes on the greatest problems facing birds throughout the Americas.

New Reserve Established in Ecuador Cloud Forest to Protect Endangered Red-faced Parrot
American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, Rainforest Trust, and the Conserva Aves initiative announced the creation of the Ecuador Ridgely Reserve in Selva Alegre, a vital sanctuary for the Endangered Red-faced Parrot and other threatened species. The newly protected area harbors the largest known population of the Endangered Red-faced Parrot, numbering less than … Read More>>
Now More Than Ever, We Must Defend Birds
The 2025 U.S. State of the Birds report was released yesterday, documenting continued declines in most American bird populations. This follows research released in 2019 and co-authored by American Bird Conservancy, that showed that the continent had already lost 3 billion breeding birds since 1970. Right now, just as the State of the Birds tells … Read More>>
2025 U.S. State of the Birds Report Addresses Conservation Needs Across Habitats and Species
The release of the 2025 U.S. State of the Birds report was announced today at the 90th annual North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. The report, produced by a coalition of leading science and conservation organizations including American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ducks Unlimited, and National Audubon Society, … Read More>>
SPLASh Coastal Cleanups Program Going Strong at 5 Years
This month, SPLASh (Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines) is celebrating its fifth year in action and the thousands of volunteers, students, and community partnerships helping create cleaner habitats for coastal birds and other wildlife. The program was launched in 2020 by American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Black Cat GIS, and Gulf Coast Bird Observatory to … Read More>>
Conservation Groups Take Legal Action to Ensure Survival of Declining Florida Scrub-Jay
Four conservation groups, represented by Earthjustice, filed a request in federal court today to defend critical protections for the imperiled Florida Scrub-Jay. The groups are requesting to intervene in a 2024 lawsuit filed by a national conservative legal organization, Pacific Legal Foundation, in Florida's Middle District. The lawsuit seeks to remove Endangered Species Act (ESA) … Read More>>
Bird City Texas Grants Prestigious High-Flyer Status to Galveston for Bird Conservation
Bird City Network is excited to recognize Galveston as the first city in Texas to achieve the prestigious Bird City High-Flyer status. This Bird City Texas community is a collaboration between American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, and other local partners that promotes bird conservation and creates healthier communities for both people … Read More>>
Southern Wings Full Annual Cycle Migratory Bird Online Guide Now Available
Today, Southern Wings published a full annual cycle migratory bird Online Guide. The Guide will help states identify where their priority bird species spend parts of the annual cycle. It is intended to be a one-stop shop for states to access novel and complementary sources of information to guide financial investments for implementing State Wildlife … Read More>>
Bird Conservation Successes in a Milestone Year
American Bird Conservancy (ABC) was founded 30 years ago with a vision for bird conservation that would bring together diverse communities for a common purpose: conserving birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. Our conservation framework is what has made our work matter for birds over the last three decades. Each year, we take bold … Read More>>
New Afrofuturism Collective Will Envision a Conservation Field Influenced by the African Diaspora
American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Re:wild are proud to announce the inaugural Afrofuturism Collective. The nine members of the Afrofuturism Collective will independently and collectively examine how stories, lifeways, technologies, and concepts from the African diaspora might influence biodiversity conservation and habitat stewardship. Their wide range of lived experiences, creative outputs, and areas of expertise … Read More>>
U.S. Congress Passes Landmark Conservation Funding Bill
Ahead of the holidays, the United States Congress has passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an $895 billion federal defense spending package. Included in this mammoth bill was the United States Foundation for International Conservation Act (USFICA), which is designed to promote the effective management of protected and conserved areas across the world. Birds … Read More>>

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Kirtland's Warbler sitting on a small pine tree branch

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3 flamingos flying to the right

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Jordan Rutter
Director of Communications

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