Bird City Network Establishes First Bird City in Brazil to Promote Bird Conservation and Sustainable Development

The Bird City Network is excited to designate Peruíbe as the first Bird City in Brazil. This initiative, a collaboration between American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Environment for the Americas (EFTA), promotes bird conservation and creates healthier communities for both people and birds in Brazil.

The Bird City Network works to unite independent Bird City programs across the Americas, providing a platform for communities to collaborate and implement bird-friendly actions. The network's key goals include:

  • Creating Bird-Friendly Communities: The Network works to make cities and towns more welcoming to birds by promoting habitat conservation, tackling threats to birds, and getting people involved in bird conservation efforts.
  • Promoting Sustainable Urban Planning: Encouraging communities to incorporate bird-friendly design principles into their urban planning and development.
  • Raising Awareness about Bird Conservation: Through education and outreach programs, the Network seeks to increase public understanding of the importance of bird conservation.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Connecting Bird City programs across the Americas, enabling communities to learn from each other and share best practices.

This September marks the official recognition of Peruíbe as the first Bird City in Brazil, a vibrant coastal community known for its commitment to environmental conservation. Peruíbe has undertaken a range of initiatives to support bird populations, including:

  • Habitat Creation and Restoration: Planting native trees and shrubs to provide food and shelter for birds.
  • Reducing Threats to Birds: Implementing measures to minimize light pollution, window strikes, and pesticide use.
  • Promoting Public Awareness: Educating the community about the importance of bird conservation and engaging citizens in birding and monitoring activities.
  • Supporting Research and Monitoring: Collaborating with scientists to study bird populations and inform conservation efforts.
  • Organizing and Promoting Events for World Migratory Bird Day: Joining the global celebration of migratory birds and raising awareness about their long-distance journeys and conservation needs.
Bird City Brazil. Peruíbe. Photo courtesy Environment for the Americas

“We are thrilled to launch Bird City Brazil and recognize Peruíbe as our first Bird City," said Susan Bonfield, Director of Environment for the Americas. “Brazil has been a strong partner in World Migratory Bird Day for many years, and we are excited to see communities across the country join in creating bird-friendly environments through education, policy, individual action, and celebrations of art, birds, and community across borders.”

Bird City Brazil invites cities across the country to join the initiative and work together to protect and conserve bird populations. By participating in the Bird City Network, communities can contribute to a larger effort to promote sustainability and biodiversity. To find a Bird City near you, visit the Bird City Network map

Learn more about Bird City Network:

This press release was originally written and published by Environment for the Americas.


American Bird Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, we take on the greatest problems facing birds today, innovating and building on rapid advancements in science to halt extinctions, protect habitats, eliminate threats, and build capacity for bird conservation. Find us on abcbirds.orgFacebookInstagram, and X/Twitter (@ABCbirds).

Media Contact

Jordan Rutter
Director of Communications