About the Florida Scrub-Jay
The Florida Scrub-Jay is an uncommon member of the wide-ranging Corvid family, found only along the ancient, shrubby sand ridges and dunes which run through the central part of the U.S. state of Florida. This jay is more subtle in appearance than flashier family members such as the Blue Jay and Green Jay, with understated plumage of soft blue, silvery gray, and touches of white.
As intelligent and curious as other members of its family, the Florida Scrub-Jay is quite tame, and will readily approach people to investigate shiny objects and the possibility of potential handouts, a sometimes-fatal habit in this increasingly populated state.
Even within the Aphelocoma genus of New World jays, which includes three other scrub-jay species, the Florida Scrub-Jay stands out.
Scrub-Jay Splits
The Florida Scrub-Jay is the only member of Aphelocoma genus that occurs in the eastern United States; the others (Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, California Scrub-Jay, and Island Scrub-Jay) inhabit the western U.S. Until fairly recently, these scrub-jays were considered part of a single group, but are now recognized as separate species based on updated genetic and behavioral evidence.
The Florida Scrub-Jay, like the Black-throated Green Warbler, belongs to a “superspecies” complex — a group of closely-related, similar-looking bird species that evolved in isolation from one another, and remain separated by geographic barriers.
The concept of a superspecies illustrates evolution in action, but some taxonomists consider this designation to be rather nebulous, since there is no obvious dividing line between members of a superspecies and distinct subspecies. To complicate matters, while perhaps validating the concept, members of the scrub-jay superspecies may hybridize in places where their ranges overlap.
Songs and Sounds
The Florida Scrub-Jay has a wide “vocabulary,” uttering loud weep! notes, screeches, growls, chatters, and bill-clicks.
Listen here:
Breeding and Feeding
Cooperative Breeders
Like the Acorn Woodpecker and Brown-headed Nuthatch, the Florida Scrub-Jay uses a cooperative breeding system. In this system, extended families of three to eight jays, made up of a breeding pair and “helper” birds (usually young from previous seasons) remain together year-round.
The breeding pair, which mate for life, builds its cup nest of twigs and plant fibers low in a scrubby tree. The breeding female broods her 2-4 eggs for approximately two weeks. Their helpers assist by bringing food for the young, chasing away predators, and defending the group's territory. The young jays fledge about 18 days after hatching, and remain in their parent's territory for their first year, often becoming helpers for the next generation in turn. Helper birds are able to reproduce, but delay breeding until they can acquire their own territories.
All-around Omnivore
The Florida Scrub-Jay is as omnivorous as all members of its family, from the Steller's Jay to the Common Raven. Acorns are a major part of its diet, and the jays also cache them for future use, burying the nuts beneath the sand or stashing them within clumps of vegetation or moss. Interestingly, the Florida Scrub-Jay often places a leaf or twig “marker” over its cache sites in the sand – perhaps to jog its memory?

Florida Scrub-Jays also eat small fruits, insects, snails, bird eggs, and small vertebrates such as tree frogs, anoles, and mice. It will pick ticks off larger mammals such as deer, cows, and horses, and will take human-supplied foods such as peanuts and dog food.
Region and Range

The Florida Scrub-Jay is the only bird species endemic to Florida and is a habitat specialist, found only in scrubby, sandy oak woodlands and ancient dunes in coastal and central areas of the state. These habitats depend upon and are maintained by frequent, low-intensity fires, in the same manner as the Kirtland Warbler's jack-pine habitats of the upper Midwest. As the human population of Florida continues to grow, the Florida Scrub-Jay may sometimes be pushed into suburban areas.
This jay is non-migratory and remains in same territory all year; many individuals stay within the same few square miles for their entire lives.

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The Florida Scrub-Jay remains in grave danger from habitat loss, an ever-increasing issue as more and more people move into that state and development gobbles up suitable scrub-jay habitat. Fire suppression and climate change pose imminent threats to this limited habitat as well. Feeding by humans places the Florida Scrub-Jay at increased risk for car collisions and predation by outdoor cats.
The Florida Scrub-Jay was federally listed as Threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1987, and is classified as a Red Watch List species by Partners In Flight.
Get Involved
Policies enacted by the U.S. Congress and federal agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have a huge impact on U.S. birds. You can help shape these rules for the better by telling lawmakers to prioritize birds, bird habitat, and bird-friendly measures. To get started, visit ABC's Action Center.
Living a bird-friendly life can have an immediate impact on the birds around you. Doing so can be as easy as adding native plants to your garden, avoiding pesticides, and keeping cats indoors. To learn more, visit our Bird-Friendly Life page.
American Bird Conservancy and our Migratory Bird Joint Venture partners have improved conservation management on more than 8.5 million acres of U.S. bird habitat — an area larger than the state of Maryland — over the last ten years. This is a monumental undertaking, requiring the support of many, and you can help by making a gift today.