Glass Collisions

Homes & Existing Buildings

Vassar Bridge Science Building, N.Y. ©Christine Sheppard

Glass collisions kill up to 1 billion birds in the U.S. each year, and almost half happen at home windows. To address the collisions crisis, we need to make existing buildings safer for birds. Below, you will find a variety of ABC bird-safe window resources designed to help reduce collisions wherever they occur.

How to Keep Birds from Hitting Your Windows

Are birds colliding with your home or building? Use our guide to find solutions and protect birds!

Products That Prevent Collisions

Looking for glass for a new building, or a solution to fix existing windows? Search our comprehensive material database to find the right product.

Bird-Friendly Window Solutions for Homes

Our homeowners' guide provides a brief explanation of the principles used to deter collisions, plus solutions ranging from quick and inexpensive decals to high-end features like motorized solar shades, along with links to help you find them.

How to Advocate for Retrofits

Want to address collisions at your office, apartment, or another structure in your community? Check out our tips for working with property owners before getting started.

Adam Betuel in front of a window that is using  Collidescape film.

"At Atlanta Audubon, we have retrofitted seven buildings with Collidescape film and have been very happy with the results. The retrofit looks sleek and also makes the windows bird-friendly and allows for public education."

Adam Betuel
Conservation Director
Atlanta Audubon Society

Visit our photo gallery to see how a variety of materials and techniques can be used to make buildings safe for birds and great for people.

Bird Collision FAQ: Answers From the Experts

ABC's collisions experts, Christine Sheppard, Ph.D., and Bryan Lenz, Ph.D., answer 14 of the most frequently asked questions about bird strikes.

A Drone's-Eye View of Collisions

Our video provides a quick explanation of why birds hit windows, a bird's-eye view of a window strike, and simple, affordable bird-safe window solutions.

News, Updates, and More

Bird Collisions on ABC's Blog

Check out BirdCalls Blog for frequent updates and insights into birds and window collisions…. Read more >>