BirdScapes are key to helping migratory bird populations recover
Hooded Warbler. Photo by Greg Homel/Natural Elements Productions.

As part of their miraculous journeys between North American breeding habitats and wintering grounds in Latin America and the Caribbean, Neotropical migratory species typically travel thousands of miles along the same routes, returning to the same places each year. As such, conserving and restoring habitats in both locations — along with key stopover sites for refueling — is critical for protecting migratory birds.

American Bird Conservancy's (ABC) BirdScapes help accomplish this goal by providing migratory species with the habitat they need in strategic locations. BirdScapes are large enough to increase the numbers of target bird species, but small enough to effectively manage with partners and facilitate the measurement of results through our BirdsPlus program.

Although each BirdScape is uniquely shaped by local and regional conditions, some elements are common to nearly all these areas. These include the presence of protected areas and other natural habitats, damaged landscapes in need of restoration, and working lands that benefit people.

Regardless of composition, BirdScapes are key places where sustainable land use leads to successful bird conservation, creating win-win results for people and birds. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the promotion of bird-friendly working lands is a priority for ABC and our BirdScapes partners.


Kirtland's Warbler Wintering BirdScape
Target species: Kirtland Warbler
Acres: 358,770
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration

Central Andes BirdScape
Target species: Cerulean Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Acres: 2,517,966
Conservation Activities: Bird-friendly coffee, native tree restoration

Canandé-Chocó BirdScape
Target species: Cerulean Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher
Acres: 1,092,784
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, improved farming practices

Septentrional BirdScape
Target species: Bicknell's Thrush
Acres: 298,550
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, shade cacao

Sierra de Bahoruco BirdScape
Target species: Bicknell's Thrush
Acres: 601,385
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, shade coffee

Conservation Coast BirdScape
Target species: Wood Thrush, Kentucky Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush
Acres: 1,209,824
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, shade cardamom

Sierra de Agalta-Lost City BirdScape
Target species: Wood Thrush
Acres: 2,150,012
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, shade cacao, sustainable ranching

John and Blue Crow Mountains BirdScape
Target species: Prairie Warbler
Acres: 122,379
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration

El Tokio BirdScape
Target species: Long-billed Curlew, Mountain Plover, Sprague's Pipit
Acres: 3,594,013
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, sustainable ranching

Bosawas BirdScape
Target species: Golden-winged Warbler
Acres: 2,183,235
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration

Northern Coastal Mountains BirdScape
Target species: Kentucky Warbler
Acres: 592,964
Conservation Activities: Habitat protection and restoration, bird-friendly coffee

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