Sustainable farming and ranching practices can benefit migratory birds
Coffee production in Guatemala. Photo by salmonnegro-stock/Shutterstock.

When managed sustainably, working lands — such as farms and ranches — provide good habitat for migratory birds that are stopping over or wintering in Latin America and the Caribbean during their annual migration cycle. That's why ABC's BirdScapes include a mosaic of working lands and protected areas.

While maintaining existing pristine forest habitat for migratory birds in parks and reserves remains critically important, creating buffer zones of bird-friendly working lands around these protected areas is also beneficial for migrant species, as well as for other wildlife. Their benefit stems from the fact that many migrant birds, especially forest species, live as habitat generalists on their wintering grounds, which enables them to find food and shelter in a variety of landscapes.

Through its BirdsPlus program, ABC is working with producers, such as growers of cacao, coffee, and cardamom, as well as cattle ranchers, to promote the adoption of sustainable practices that benefit birds while increasing producers' yields and incomes.

To make the best management practices accessible to farmers, ranchers, and producers in Latin America and the Caribbean, the BirdsPlus program has developed a series of videos (collated in a YouTube playlist) and infographics in Spanish that describe the practices that farmers and ranchers can implement on their properties.

These are the infographics we have developed to date:

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